Monday, August 2, 2010

1st Annual Morro Bay Olympic Triathlon June 6, 2010

WOW! I was all nerves before the race.

On Saturday I signed in and got my race bag. It has your numbers for running and for the bike, a swim cap (i didn't need it), some gel stuff (yuk) and some upcoming race info etc etc. The registration was behind the Dockside restaurant along the Embarcadero. The weather was awesome on Saturday. I stayed for the pasta feed and Triathlon clinic afterwards. It was well worth my time since I learned about where the heck I was supposed to paddle, bike and run. I had no real clue before.

I even ran into a very nice couple from porterville who are also Monavie distributors! They were wearing Monavie sweatshirts. Their sons got them into the business and now they are RUBIES! That is they are making $100,000 residually/year. Crazy thing is, the wife's parents are also in Monavie and and he is 78 years old! Go Robert! Crazy still, his family name is CANET and his family had the original spanish land grant that included Morro Rock! What wierd but great day.

Saturday night after the pasta feed, Chris Stehula (US collegiate national champion), was there talking about how to make it through one of these and he told stories to encourage us all to do our best. Nice kid. There were folks from the Bay area, L.A area that were serious about competing. I met another newbie who was headed to the Naval academy at the end of July.

I stopped by my friend Tiffany's house and picked up her husbands' fiberglass sit on top for the race. I figured it would be faster than my plastic sea kayak. Got home finally around 8:30pm, got the kids to bed, made sure all of my gear was together and then went to sleep around 11pm.

Got up at 5:00 to eat, drink and load my car. Arrived around 6:30 to set up the kayak, get my gear set out and get a better idea of what was about to happen.

There were some vendors set up and people all around. It was a fun kind of nervousness. I saw people riding into Morro Bay on their race bikes. From where I have no idea. And yes, I did visit the bathroom several times before I had to get into place.

Tiffany and Doug met me there near the beach launch area. There were only 6 kayaks set up, but two were surf skiis (really fast and long race boats). The swim happened in waves, by age group. Each wave had different color swim caps. The swim was about 1 mile and went out along the rock and then to the sand spit and back in a triangle. It was very cold water! 52 degrees. Burrr. Glad I was on top of it.

More to come.

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